We have seen the power of the top ten list produced by The Ramen Rater, a US-based instant noodle reviewer, in popularising certain brands of instant noodles. Honestly, I believe the Ramen Rater, Hans Lienesch, strives to be as independent as possible and makes each review based solely on his taste buds.
An interview with the Ramen Rater by Luckypeach.com |
No doubt the Ramen Rater does have a taste of what’s best and what’s not but can we based our selection on the taste bud of the Ramen Rater? Are there other independent reviewers or sites that can help us to evaluate what is the best tasting instant noodle other than the Ramen Rater?
Instant noodle companies are sending boxful of new products to the Ramen Rater hoping their products will make it to one of the the top ten lists. They do run the risk of appearing on the bottom ten lists. A win means the product is fancied by the Ramen Rater because he likes it. Does it mean others will like it too?
When Mamee Double-Decker added The Ramen Rater endorsement on the packaging of Mamee Chef Perisa Laksa Kari (Curry Laksa Flavour), this makes the company one of the few that overtly put The Ramen Rater on the pack. Does such marketing violate the law and is the top 10 list a representation of mass opinion? These are some of the questions we need to ponder.