The Indonesian milk brand Indomilk is differentiating from its competitor by claiming its UHT milk is naturally thickened (gurihnya susu asli). Unlike its competitors which add salt (garam), Indomilk UHT milk is free from salt. Salt is the reason that makes you feel thirsty, according to the latest Indomilk television commercial (TVC).
According to Indomilk (Indofood), its UHT milk is naturally thickened without having to add sodium (garam) or preservatives (zat pengawet).

Milk as a sports drink
The other message from the new Indomilk television commercial is milk as the ideal sports drink to replace the fluid and nutrients after an intense workout. The TVC shows Indomilk is served to runners to replace their lost fluids. Previously, one would only expect to find sports drink at these events.

What Mini Me thinks
Most consumers do not even know sodium is added into UHT milk. Rather than just claiming competitor brands have sodium, there should be proof as well.
Milk as a sports drink provides a new avenue for growth. As Indonesians become more psychically active, there will be a growing interest for protein in their diet for muscle building or post-workout needs. We will likely to be seeing more dairy brands focusing on milk as a sports drink going forward such as sponsoring of athletic events.