Home Drinks Juice Opportunity for packaged fresh cane juice drink

Opportunity for packaged fresh cane juice drink

Canned sugar cane drink is quite easy to find in Malaysia and Singapore. The leading brands are Drinho, Delite and Yeo’s. However, it is very difficult to get hold of the freshly squeezed cane juice. Most of the fresh ones are sold by street vendors and require a machine to press the canes to obtain the juice. The taste of freshly squeezed cane juice is definitely better than the canned version.

At Thaifex 2017, I started to see a few booths showcasing their sugar cane juices, which indicate cane farmers are trying to commercialise sugar cane juices beyond just extracting cane for theĀ  raw sugar.

At 7-Eleven Thailand, the Juizy sugar cane juice (220ml), prized at THB 15, is definitely one of the best packaged sugar cane juice I have ever tried. It has the taste of freshly pressed sugar cane juice and is something worth trying when you are in Thailand.

As sugar cane juice is familiar to consumers in this region, there is an definitely an opportunity to introduce sugar cane juice that has the taste of freshly pressed ones since cane juice vendors are harder to find now. Plus, cane juice is perceived as healthier than other sugar-laden soft drinks and sugar cane supplies can be obtained locally, thus lowering the cost of production.


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