One way for brands to associate themselves with Chinese New Year is to take aim at Yee Sang or Prosperity Toss. Yee Sang mainly consists of strips of raw fish, mixed with shredded vegetables and a variety of sauces and condiments, among other ingredients and is a symbol of abundance, prosperity and vigor.
For the 2019 Chinese New Year, Quaker and Kellogg’s have both launched promotions to encourage consumers in Malaysia to add Quaker oats and Kellogg’s cornflakes into the Prosperity Toss as a new form of eating this traditional dish.

The practice of adding oats and cornflakes into the Prosperity Toss will need years to solidify into a ritual and this means running similar campaigns over an extended period of time. The outcome can be rewarding as reflected in the popularity of cornflakes as a baking ingredient during Hari Raya.