Home Drinks Carbonated Soft Drinks Unique Hausboom Roti Bakar is now available

Unique Hausboom Roti Bakar is now available

Image from 7-Eleven

Hausboom, a Malaysia-based carbonated soft drink producer, has unveiled a new carbonated soft drink with a unique roti bakar (toasted bread) flavour. The marketing message is why eat when you can drink it.

Hausboom Roti Bakar Buttertoast is a limited edition product and comes with the butterscotch and vanilla flavours.

Roti bakar, based on our understanding, has a rich kaya or buttery taste, but when it comes in the butterscotch flavour, it will likely disappoint a lot of consumers.

The 275ml drink is available at 7-Eleven at a price of RM 3.50.


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