Home Food Biscuits Munchy’s Lexus cream cracker has a new flavour – rose and lychee

Munchy’s Lexus cream cracker has a new flavour – rose and lychee

In a tribute to Malaysian love for rose and lychee flavours, Munchy’s has unveiled a limited edition Rose Lychee Cream flavour under its Lexus sandwich cracker brand. The Lexus Rose Lychee Cream is exclusively available at Giant supermarket from 1 August 2019.

This flavour is meant for the China market as evidenced from the Chinese and English labeling on the packaging. Probably Munchy’s feels this is now the right flavour to sell in the local market.

We bought a pack and tried it. The verdict is 5/5 in terms of flavour. Hope Munchy’s can make this flavour permanent in Malaysia.


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