Home Country Malaysia 4 Extraordinary recipes to help you cook smarter and healthier with Hellmann’s...

4 Extraordinary recipes to help you cook smarter and healthier with Hellmann’s latest salad dressings

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Are you worried that eating healthier may be too time consuming or may become dull? Hellmann’s assures you it’s possible and encourages you to experience their great taste by creating your own meals! 

If you find yourself stumped about what to start cooking, below are some simple yet delicious recipes to take your meal from ordinary to extraordinary!

Recipe #1: Quinoa Edamame Salad 

Quinoa Edamame Salad 

If you’re a vegetarian, why not try whipping up this quick, easy and hassle-free quinoa edamame salad recipe? It’ll only take you 15 minutes! 

Recipe #2: Ayam Percik Caesar Salad

Ayam Percik Caesar Salad

Spice up your classic Caesar salad with an oriental twist topped off with Hellmann’s Smoky Caesar salad dressing. This recipe works well as a healthy meal or a tasty appetizer. 

Recipe #3: Broccoli and Shrimp Rice Bowl

Broccoli and Shrimp Rice Bowl

Transform your ordinary rice bowl to extraordinary by adding a hint of seafood with a hint of garlic flavour. This makes a perfect and quick meal for last minute dinner dates! 

Recipe #4: Roasted Sweet Potato Salad 

Roasted Sweet Potato Salad

Start your day right with this quick yet satisfying meal. All you need are some lettuce, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and Hellmann’s Smoky Caesar salad dressing to complete this simple yet satisfying dish.

But don’t let us stop you here! Put your own twist on salads and let these three new Hellmann’s salad dressings help you take your meals from ordinary to extraordinary.

For Hellmann’s latest recipe, please visit their Facebook site.

About Hellmann’s

The world-renowned condiments brand has arrived to Malaysian shores with the delicious launch of their new range of salad dressings that will challenge the misconception that eating healthy has to be boring with unimaginative salads.

With its exciting blend of real ingredients and a hint of a smoky flavour profile, Hellmann’s has elevated the usual salad dressings Roasted Sesame, Thousand Island and Caesar from ordinary to extraordinary. These dressings are the perfect addition for a unique meal, taking your salads to a whole new level with richer flavours, making for more exciting salads. 


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