Thailand’s CP-Meiji has added a flavoured variant to its lactose-free milk range. The dark chocolate flavoured lactose-free milk and the original variant offer a solution to people who are suffering from lactose intolerance but still want to enjoy the goodness of milk.
The new commercial emphasises the “feel so food” factor of being free from all the symptoms associated with lactose intolerance such as diarrheaĀ and abdominal pain.
Lactose-free milk appears to have gained traction in Thailand but not yet in other Southeast Asian markets. The probable reason is other Southeast Asian markets are still at an early stage where efforts are still being made to encourage consumers to drink more milk.
Dairy companies can still offer lactose-intolerant consumers with something that is safe to drink with a low-lactose option such as the Marigold HL Low Fat Milk in Singapore and Malaysia, which has 75% less lactose than other milk.