Home Drinks Carbonated Soft Drinks est Cola is back with a new carbonated soft drink sweetened with...

est Cola is back with a new carbonated soft drink sweetened with brown sugar

Image by est Cola Malaysia
F&N Malaysia has recently re-introduced est Cola into the local market not just with the usual est Cola with also with a new innovation that Malaysians would be familiar with – brown sugar.
Since consumers generally perceive brown sugar as a healthier substitute to white sugar, F&N est Cola Brown Sugar is able to provide a healthier choice without sacrificing on the taste. The new est Cola Brown Sugar is said to be the first brown sugar carbonated soft drink in Malaysia. The drink does contain acesulfame potassium (Ace-K) but brown sugar accounts for 4.8% of the content.
This carbonated soft drink offers a total sugar content of 4.9g/100ml, which ensures it still receives the Healthier Choice logo.


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