- Formulated with ActiveDuoBio+, AptaGro is the only growing up milk formula in Malaysia with 1 Billion Probiotics*
- Unique mix of Prebiotics and the Highest DHA
10th JUNE 2021, KUALA LUMPUR – Danone, a leading food and beverage company specializing in nutritional products in Malaysia has launched a new and improved version of its leading milk brand AptaGro. Backed by over 40 years of pioneering research, AptaGro is Danone’s most advanced growing up milk formula in Malaysia. With a sharp focus on the importance of supporting immune system in children from a young age, the improved AptaGro is formulated with ActiveDuoBio+. It is the only growing up milk formula in Malaysia with 1 Billion Probiotics^, unique mix of Prebiotics GOS/lcFOS (9:1) and highest DHA** (Docosahexaenoic Acid).
The brand’s ambition has always been for children to have a ‘Strong Smart Start’ and supports parents to raise resilient children which they have shown through their various endeavours to educate and empower parents with different initiatives such as their 24-hour careline, education articles and their constant innovation of well-loved products such as the new and improved AptaGro. AptaGro works to support the child’s growth and development, backed by a toddler study in Europe and Asia2. It also contains the highest DHA** – a nutrient that is essential to a child’s brain and learning development, which helps in meeting international expert recommendations3.
Commenting on the launch of the product in Malaysia, the newly appointed Country Manager, Danone, Malaysia, Vera Saw, said, “At Danone, we believe that a healthy start plays a pivotal role in determining the success of a child’s future. Since immunity has become a priority, and resilience a crucial quality in today’s world, Danone endeavours to support parents in their journey to adopt healthier eating and drinking choices for their toddlers and has been chosen more than 2 Million times by mums in South East Asia1.”
“At Danone, we think about both the child and parent which is why we’ve established the 24-hour careline for parents to call in when they need assistance or further explanation on the product. We believe in demonstrating our commitment to parents and this starts with giving them the knowledge they need to make the best choices for their children. The improved and scientifically formulated AptaGro has the ambition to nurture a child’s stronger immunity and sharper mind so that parents can confidently expose them to the world, to build his/her resilience. At AptaGro we hope that our scientific progress meets every parents’ and child’s needs. It comes from Europe’s No 1* Company in Milk Formula for Children and is backed by strong science that works to provide your child with our best, so that they can be ‘One Step Ahead!” she added.
Based on the study on 767 Asian and European toddlers, who were split into the two groups of growing up milk – with prebiotics and Long chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (LcPUFAs) and without prebiotics and LcPUFAs, to determine the significance of incorporating prebiotics in children’s daily nutritional intake. Results showed that 23% of children who were drinking growing up milk with prebiotics and LcPUFAs had 0 episodes of infections, while only 17% of children who drank growing up milk without prebiotics and LcPUFA had 0 episodes of infections2.
“A child’s life is vital for the development of their organs and immune system. As a brand that provides 1 Billion Probiotics^, unique mix of Prebiotics GOS/lcFOS (9:1) and Highest DHA**, AptaGro is confident with the science behind their formulation may give a child the kickstart that they need in life.” Vera further added.
This improved AptaGro has been tried and validated by mums in South East Asia and is reported in an independent survey by Home Tester Club (HTC) which has shown that 100%# of mums believe that AptaGro’s combination of Prebiotics and Probiotics and important nutrients provide good nutrition that help support their child’s immune system4.
1 Referring to brands under Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition, estimates based on Kantar Worldpanel Division’s survey across 3,700 mothers with child aged 1-3 years old in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi between January and December 2019
2 , 3 Chatchatee, P., Lee, W., Carrilho, E., Kosuwon, P., Simakachorn, N., Yavuz, Y., Schouten, B., Graaff, P. and Szajewska, H., 2014. Effects of Growing-Up Milk Supplemented with Prebiotics and LCPUFAs on Infections in Young Children. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition, 58(4), pp.428-437.
4 Survey conducted by Home Tester Club between 18th Sept 2020 and 30th Oct 2020
5 Euromonitor International Limited, Packaged Food 2021ed, Groupe Danone in the growing up milk formula category (for children aged 13 months onwards), value sales RSP, 2020 data. Nutricia part of Groupe Danone
* From 100mg powder
** Each 100g of AptaGro contains 101mg DHA, ranking highest among all milk growing milk powder brands in Malaysia, as of April 2021