Home Dairy Milk TH true Milk Light Meal contains whole grain oats, macadamia and walnuts

TH true Milk Light Meal contains whole grain oats, macadamia and walnuts

TH true Milk has added a new UHT milk that acts like a light meal replacement option. Known as TH true Milk Light Meal, the new product contains whole grain oats with a midly sweet taste and made from TH’s fresh milk. The milk has 34% less sugar compared to the ordinary TH true Milk. It is also low in lactose.

This whole grain pasteurised milk is rich in nutrients from oats and macadamia nuts and walnuts, which are all imported.

TH true Milk Light Meal can be a good option for snacking in between meals and is also suitable as a quick breakfast drink. The milk is sold in a 180ml pack.



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