Home Country Malaysia Farm Fresh Grow is set to shake up the growing up milk...

Farm Fresh Grow is set to shake up the growing up milk segment in Malaysia

Farm Fresh has entered into the growing up milk segment in Malaysia with the launch of Farm Fresh Grow. The company is leveraging on its advantage of having access to fresh milk from its own farm to unveil the UHT formulated milk made with pure cowā€™s milk and added with 22 vitamins and minerals for optimum growth.

According to Farm Fresh, Farm Fresh Grow has 7x more DHA compared to the previous growing up milk formula in 2009, which begs the question is Farm Fresh comparing against its own product or against its competitors? Farm Fresh does not seem to have its own growing up milk formula in 2009.

Farm Fresh chooses to launch Farm Fresh Grow in liquid format to make it more portable and easier to consume. The liquid format also gives Farm Fresh an advantage over its other growing up milk competitors as liquid growing up milk is still not prevalent in the market. Danone has previously launched Dugro Ak-tif (110ml) in the local market before in 2020 but it has since been discontinued.

Farm Fresh is also brazen in its approach of claiming its Farm Fresh Grow is an ‘honest milk‘ that contains only necessities with absolutely no added or hidden sugar such as maltodextrine as well as vegetable oil and calcium carbonate from limestone. The natural calcium comes from dairy.

The dairy company’s TVC for Farm Fresh Grow features Farm Fresh brand ambassador Dato’ Sri Siti Nurhaliza and her four-year-old daughter Aafiyah to provide a very compelling story showing why Farm Fresh Grow is Dato’ Sri Siti Nurhaliza’s choice.

Farm Fresh also uses the subscription model to generate consistent revenue for Farm Fresh Grow by partnering with Subplace, which is an online shopping platform entirely subscription based.

Farm Fresh has prepared a list of Q&A on the website to answer all the questions parents might have about the product. This approach is necessary to educate and instill trust in consumers and to protect the brand.



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