Co-organised by RENN Asia Wellness & Campus Rangers International School
KUALA LUMPUR, March 11: Over 3,000 people, mainly families with children, thronged the three-day Family Wellness Carnival at Vivo 9 Seputeh here from March 8 with most leaving happy for the experience and many having had free health checks provided by the Ministry of Health.

The Carnival was officiated by Dr Waramlah binti Ramlan representing the Director of the Federal Territory Health Department, Dr Nor’Aishah binti Abu Bakar, together with the organisers, Mr Jonathan Chew, CEO of RENN Asia Wellness and Mr Jason Ho, founder of Campus Rangers International School and other partners.
The Lembah Pantai Health Department provided free health checks including the HPV test for cervical cancer while the National Blood Bank held a blood donation drive.
Chew said RENN Asia was happy to see families with kids having so much fun with activities like bouncing castle, fun bubbles, balloons, sand-art, face-painting, bear-brick painting, free caricature portraits, and even a petting zoo, featuring a special Alpaca appearance on Saturday.
Visitors enjoyed the wellness-themed bazaar offering exotic yet delicious items like nutritious juices like goji berry juice, blueberry juice, chokeberry juice, collagen, alkaline cocoa, red palm oil products, activated nuts (walnuts, almonds), kombucha, and even nasi lemak made using virgin coconut oil instead of coconut milk.
Chew explained the bazaar was an opportunity for local SMEs and micro-SMEs to feature their products and services, and all 20 booths were quickly taken up by local entrepreneurs.
“We deliberately did not charge vendors anything for the entire three days because RENN wants to create a wellness hub in Vivo 9 Seputeh and bring more vibrancy into this development,” he said.
“This Carnival has certainly promoted the importance of living a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle and it’s well aligned with RENN’s commitment to empower the community towards regaining their health and achieve wellness.”

The Carnival is held in conjunction with the Grand Launch of RENN Asia Wellness which has a heritage of offering personalised, evidence-based regenerative medicine with a track record of helping over 5,000 clients in the past 10 years.
Guest of honour at the launch was president of the Federation of Complementary and Natural Medicine Associations Malaysia, Dato’ Sri Steve Yap.