Home Drinks Energy Drink Heineken launches Solar Power energy drink in Singapore to deliver good energy

Heineken launches Solar Power energy drink in Singapore to deliver good energy

Heineken has launched a new non-alcoholic drink in Singapore that offers an all-refreshing, all-natural energy drink with a boost of vitamins C and D. The new Solar Power energy drink combines all the attributes consumers want in their beverages namely natural ingredients, renewable energy and oneness with the environment.


In Singapore, the approach taken the The GOVT PTE LTD is to focus on positioning Solar Power as the choice of good energy. Here is how the agency describes the approach:

“The edge Solar Power has over it’s bigger, badder competitors lies in the fact that it only uses ingredients from natural sources. That means you get the boost you need without all the bad stuff like [insert impossible-to-pronounce-word-only-a-chemistry-professor-would-know]. In other words, all you get is Good Energy Only. Our campaign took relatable, everyday situations that brought about “bad energy”, added a dose of outlandish irreverence and positioned Solar Power as the drink of choice to get you out of them.”

Solar Power is available at 7-Eleven outlets in Singapore.


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