Mr. Somkid Wannalukkhee, CP Foods’ Head of Layer Business, attended the accredited ceremony hosted by TGO to honor and recognize the company’s consistent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions across its value chain and its products have been verified in accordance with TGO-eligible reduction criteria to broaden Thai consumer choices of low-carbon eggs. These 23 egg categories are the first egg products certified “global warming reduction” label in Thailand.
Mr. Kiatchai Maitriwong, Executive Director of TGO, recognized that CP Foods is a leading food company with the foresight and dedication to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout value chain. The global warming reduction certificate is beneficial for both the environment and consumers demand more eco-friendly choices.
Mr. Somkid said that the Company is on the pathway to reduce carbon emission toward the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to Net Zero by 2050. The company consistent mitigate greenhouse gas emission by optimizing its production efficiency including feed use; energy efficiency enhancement; promoting renewable energy, and use of recycled material in egg packaging, etc. This make its fresh egg together with cage free products are the first egg product in Thailand to attain the global warming label. Additionally, the label help consumers well informed decision about low carbon food items. In 2022, it is subsequently that the egg production had reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 617 000 tons of CO2 equivalent.
CP Foods egg product are from layer hens raised in the closed housed equipped with world class technology, smart and automation system. The egg packaging made from 100 percent of recycled paper meanwhile PET plastic packaging use 80 percent recycled plastic in the layer that is not in direct contact with eggs.
In addition, CPF encourages the use of renewable energy in its system of food production. The production process of 7 layer complexes nationwide use electricity from biogas system converting chicken manure into electricity and additionally install solar panels to generate electricity for use in production processes. The company is pioneering one layer complex by using 100 percent renewable energy by this year to support the Net Zero.
Up to now, over 800 CP Foods’ food products, including fresh pork, chicken, shrimp, and animal feed, are certified with Carbon Footprint Label and 50 products are earned the global warming reduction label from TGO.